
Experiment: Saving for iPad 3


You haven´t heard from me in the last time. To be honest, I don´t know how to publish on all the channels you can use nowadays and I would love to simply connect everything into my wordpress blog. Besides my regular social media activities I have to write some storys for the Allgemeine Zeitung as well, so I can’t catch up with every place.

But here is just a crazy idea, that is not fitting anywhere else. More than a year ago, I saw a cartoon: a bum holding an iPad 1 begging for an iPad 2. I loved the idea and i always wanted to find out how people react. But as everyone of you may understand, before I start such a stupid idea, i feel a little fear, stopping me.

But after working on my project every day for 3 weeks, I had to do something else.

In the end it was a lot of fun and I made $4.75 (if you subtract the bus fees of $4 i made a profit of $0.75) in one hour.

Let’s try storify

[View the story “From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg” on Storify]

From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg

I´m on my way…

Storified by Alex Boerger · Wed, Sep 26 2012 13:14:35

@AlexBoerger vielen dank fur Bilder. freue mich uber kommende Video! #swsfAdrien Magnus
RT @teamMBH: Wow! Great idea @alexboerger – from #gutenberg to #zuckerberg @StartupWeekend @VanStartup @sfsw
Way to many social networks. I’m in San Francisco working on #swsfAlex Boerger
Arriving at FB HQ @ Facebook HQ Boerger
Everything you need to know for #S17nyc – Mass Action Spokes Council – Occupy Wall Streetalexboerger
Occupy Wall Street Tactical Training at Zuccotti Park – DIY Protestalexboerger
My Journey begins – Alex Boerger – From Gutenberg to Zuckerbergalexboerger

Occupy Gutenberg – Paul and Mectroccupied in New York

— Für deutschen Text nach unter scollen —

When I went to occupy wall street, i was looking for the young and wild users of the new media tools, so I was very surprised to meet Paul. He works on the Newspaper: Metroccupied and knows how to work with movable type.

— deutsch/german —

Occupy Gutenberg

Vor einem Jahr hat das kanadische Adbusters Magazin zum Sturm auf die Wall Street aufgerufen. Allerdings gab es nur einen Termin, den 17. September und einen Title: “Occupy Wall Street”. Der Rest wurde den Lesern überlassen. Mit der Resonanz, hätte wohl keiner gerechnet. Es kamen 30.000 Menschen und Hunderte blieben gleich für 2 Monate da. Die Idee verbreitete sich rasend schnell um den Erdball und einen Monat später wurde auch in Frankfurt die Wiese vor der EZB besetzt. Auch wenn es hier wohl keine Unternehmer wie Gutenberg geben würde, vermutete ich hier zumindest die Anwender der neuen Technologie. Und irgendwie erinnerte mich die ganze Entwicklung an Martin Luthers 96 Thesen, die sich damals, durch Gutenbergs Presse in 2 Wochen im deutschprachigen Raum verbreiteten.
Meine Erwartungen wurden nicht enttäuscht. Manche Demos wurden von 30 Leuten gleichzeitig gestreamt und in Echtzeit geschnitten. Diese Vielzahl an Kameras kennt man sonst nur von Sportereignissen. Aber die Bewegung ist auch “Offline” (das Internet ist der normale Kommunikationskanal, deshalb erwähnt man jetzt explizit, wenn man etwas auf der Straße verbreitet) aktiv. Paul ist Herausgeber der Zeitung MetrOccupied, hat keine E-Mail Adresse und kennt sich sogar mit Bleisatz aus. Ein echter Gutenberg Fan bei Occupy Wall Street, damit hätte ich nicht gerechnet.

Upcoming Clips:

  • Interview with two filmmakers (Everyday Rebellion)
  • Occupy Livestream (Interviews with people streaming live from OWS)

beyond democracy

Democracy is one of the best ways to organize society till today, but we shouldn’t stop there.

Democracy is a dictatorship of the mass

I have my problems with democracy, because I’m a free mind and my personal freedom is often limited by laws. I think some laws are really important, like you can’t kill someone and I think there should be a force to prevent that from happening, but why can the majority decide who is allowed to allocate resources? Who owns the land? And why is there no place to leave this system. There are so many rules, that have nothing to do with our nature. You should have the chance to have a life without any interaction with the government, as long as you do not hurt someone else.

I think we ask the wrong questions. We should discuss about this topics instead of politics. We have to find more effective ways of organization and provide opportunities for everyone instead of forcing minorities to deal with it.

If you are born in Germany this days you already owe 25,000€ to someone else! This is great for the majority, because people younger then 18 don’t have a voice in the democratic process. An other question is: How to use oil. This is a Jackpot for humanity, but if we have used this boost of energy, the young have to deal with it.

I like to decide on my own

Democracy was useful when we couldn’t meet everyone on a daily base, but this is possible today. Why can’t I decide on my own? Just log in to Bundestag and check “YES” or “NO”. And if I don’t want to make a decision I can pass my vote to someone I trust? We should although discuss on which topics we have to make decision on what scale. And we need some basic rights for everyone like some place to go, basic health, water and food.

Every bird has more rights than most human.

What do you think? What are better alternatives?

Act!on at re:publica 2012

I was at the re:publica at Berlin and it was the second time for me after 2010, but both events are hard to compare. The good thing about the new location was there was enough place for all the visitors. At some session I had to stand but thats ok. But I felt lost between so many people. Although the first sessions I attended were some kind of boring, but it got better. I started to switch sessions and found a lot of interesting ideas and opinions.


I arrived at Berlin on Mai 1st, it’s a holiday in Germany, we call it “Day of Work” and it was amazing how the city had changed. I was in Berlin on May 1st 2003 and have seen riots, flying stones and burning cars. This was the a problem in Berlin for years. But this year I walked through the same streets and there where stages with Bands and DJs. I don´t know how many there where but I can remember six. But we just went some streets. Berlin was dancing on the streets till 1am and the bass was moving.

This had nothing to do with the re:publica, but it was most of the action I found. ACTA, SOPA, Popel, BLABLA. To much politics but no real action. The so called Netactivist just write nice E-Mails, I hoped for some more action, how about a new OS for our society or at least a gamechanging platform to combine our power?

TED lag

I have a TED lag from TEDxSummit. Most of the TEDxOrganizers i met there are action focused and the Talks where world class. But stop complaining, the only way to handle this problem to spread some of this spirit and I will figure out how.